Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It is sort of cool to have a 'follower,' even if it is only the instructor :) Not like in Second Life where I suddenly became someone's follower and had a hard time getting away from her. I play around a bit in Second Life to try to understand how it could potentially be used as a learning community tool, but am still such a woeful neophyte. At my last visit, I left my (very young and attractive!) avatar languishing on a couch in front of a blazing fire, hoping that will keep her happy until I next return...


  1. Shelley - languishing on a couch in front of a fire - sounds good to me!

    Glad that you are experimenting with this 'life' - please do share your discoveries especially as they relate to use in online learning. ~ Datta Kaur

  2. Shelley,
    I laughed when I saw the pact you made with your group for no more sickness. If you did that in real life, I would be out of a job. Glad you are better.
    You are venturing to something I really want to dive into when this class is over, Second Life.
    I am also believing that it may be like my son's forays in the online arena-limitless and timeless "Sam, did you hear me, helllooooo, time for bed!"
    Bravo that you are challenging and striving to learn a new way to bring to your classroom.
