Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Midterm and Final Paper Thoughts

With the midterm I somehow started the idea process thinking I was to write much more than was the case. Narrowing down the topic and related points then became an issue. Someone said it takes much more time and effort to develop a (good) 10-minute presentation than a 2-hour one, and that idea probably applies to paper length too. I did, however, enjoy the topic which gave me more insights into some of the aspects that go into forming an online learning community. I didn't include any bio info (I always shy away from that unless it is demanded); hopefully, that will still be accepted when I get the paper back before it is 'published.' The idea of publishing is fun; up to now I have only ever had two articles published (in a now defunct magazine).

I am getting nervous about our group efforts, as we don't currently seem to be talking. I posted on our group site yesterday and sent an email today. Hopefully we can get our act together soon; actually, I am confident we will. In any case, I need the group interaction to know what direction I personally will be taking, as I don't feel I have a good handle on the specifics of our topic (which came from Johanna). I do have the notes we've generated so far and have downloaded info relevant to the topic. I think if I look through all of that and make my own notes as to where I think we should be going, I'll be ready for our next meeting to set our roles and goals.

1 comment:

  1. Shelley, I appreciate this update and could you please give a group update in the 'new' discussion area I opened today.

    Why don't you set up a live (free) teleconference) or chat with your group? It would most likely help everyone to get back into 'group space?'

    Datta Kaur
